I am Ileen Gladstone, and I am the Licensed Site Professional (LSP) representing the community's interests on the Cyper/E Street Improvement Project. LSPs are authorized by the State to oversee the assessment and cleanup of oil and hazardous waste sites. I am a Senior Vice President with GEI Consultants with more than 35 years of experience. Many of you meet me at the community meeting on July 27, 2023, where I presented an overview of the project and answered questions.

Portions of the Cypher/E Street project area is known to be contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), metals, polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and petroleum hydrocarbons. Massport has committed to provide an LSP to the community to assist them in understanding how contaminated materials will be managed, transported, and monitored during construction.
Come back to this page often where I will be providing regular updates on construction, dust monitoring, soil disposal and other activities. I have reviewed the construction documents and the environmental reports prepared by the Project LSP (TetraTech) and the Contractor (DW White). I am attending construction meetings to make sure I am up to date with all aspects of the project and to represent the community’s interests. I am also communicating your questions and concerns to Massport.
Please feel free to reach out to me, my contact information below.

GEI Consultants
Ileen Gladstone, P.E., LSP, LEED AP
Senior Vice President
Cell: (781) 424-9924